Cyber Security Awareness: Awareness Training and Culture Development

  • Insight
One of our customers that got help from Truesec within cybersecurity

Why is Awareness Training and Culture Development important for Organizations?

Hackers are creating increasingly sophisticated attacks, utilizing well-crafted emails that feature company logos, professional language, and seemingly harmless links. Moreover, they are expanding beyond email, leveraging multiple platforms to breach your company’s IT infrastructure. All it takes is a single employee clicking a link to trigger the attack.

We cannot eliminate human curiosity, but we can train individuals to exercise greater caution before engaging with emails and messages received across various platforms. Our Cybersecurity Culture Development Program (Cybersecurity Awareness Training + Phishing simulation) is designed to enhance your employees’ understanding and vigilance against potential threats.

What is the purpose of Awareness training and culture development?

In Truesec we work with best-in-class security awareness platforms and together with our trained security advisors we establish security awareness governance and training campaigns that are aligned with your organizations current maturity level while adapting to your future maturity aspirations. Main purpose is to:

  • To Improve your Security Posture (NIS2/NIST/CIS/ISO)
  • To Reduce the risk of an Insider Threat
  • To Protect data, information, people, policies, and other important Security Targets
  • To Prevent Breaches and Minimize Impact

What can you expect to get out of the program?

  • A security awareness platform, with muli-language and regional specific content.
  • Security Awarenes campagins aligned with current level, where your users get familiar with common threats and good cyber security practises.
  • Your employees are trained to understand the mind of the hacker and what they target in an organization.
  • Your employees gain a better understanding on how they and their security awareness can heighten the security protection of the companies assets.
  • Security responsible will gain insights on current security behavious in the organization and can track the improvements in the organization.

The Typical Phases in the Awareness Training and Culture Development Program

The Cyber Security Awareness program typically begins with an initial planning meeting to define the program scope and objectives. A tailored proposal is then developed and presented for approval, followed by implementation, continuous monitoring, and regular reporting.

The program may include following areas, depending on the agreed training level:

Awareness campaigns

  • Training campaigns for all employees.
  • Training for new employees.
  • Theme specific campaigns.
  • Targeted training (Training for specific role like higher management, financial employees etc.).
  • Specific training for Phish clickers (Extra Awareness training for those who click on Phishing mails).
  • Custom trainings (Customized for a specific purpose).

Phishing campaigns

  • Phishing campaigns targeting all employees
  • Theme specific phishing campaigns
  • Targeted phishing campaigns (Phish designed for specific role like higher management, financial employees etc.)
  • Custom Phishing Campaigns (Customized for a specific purpose).

Security Culture

  • Yearly Security Awareness Planner.
  • Security Culture survey (measure the impact of the program).
  • Gamification.
  • Physical workshops regarding phishing tailored based on customer preferences.
  • Company events.
  • Posters, newsletters.
  • Compliance with NIS2/ISO2700x/NIST/CIS18.
  • Address the 7 dimensions of security culture.

Dedicated Program Management

One of the key elements of Cyber Security Awareness Program is the assignment of a dedicated program manager, that plays a critical role in ensuring the seamless executions and ongoing success of the program. This person responsibilities include:

  • Implementation Oversight: Ensuring that all agreed-upon aspects of the program are properly implemented according to the established plan.
  • Program Monitoring: Continuously monitoring the program to ensure it is running as expected and addressing any issues that may arise.
  • Customer Reporting: Providing the customer with regular updates and reports to keep the customer informed about the program´s progress and outcomes.

Joint Responsibility: Vendor and Customer Collaboration

A successful Security Awareness Program relies on a strong partnership between the customer and the vendor, with clearly defined responsibilities for both parties:

Customer Responsibilities

  • Data Accuracy: Ensure that accurate and up-to-date user data is maintained in the platform to enable effective program delivery.
  • Internal Communication: Actively support internal communication efforts to create awareness about the program, ensuring employees are informed and engaged.
  • Management Support: Secure buy-in from the organization’s management to emphasize the importance of the program and foster a culture of security awareness.
  • Employee Participation: Dedicate sufficient time and resources to allow employees to fully participate in training activities and program initiatives.
  • Focus on Importance: Highlight the significance of the program internally to ensure it is prioritized at all levels of the organization.

Vendor Responsibilities

  • Program Implementation: Ensure all agreed-upon tasks and deliverables are implemented according to the program plan.
  • Platform Monitoring: Actively monitor the awareness platform to track engagement, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Advising on Tooling: Provide expert guidance on new tools and technologies that can enhance the effectiveness of the program.
  • Follow-Up: Continuously track progress, address challenges, and offer support to ensure smooth and successful program execution.
  • Reporting: Deliver detailed and actionable reports on program performance, participation, and outcomes.

We have partnered with KnowBe4 and are using the KnowBe4 tool for Awareness training and Phishing campaigns: Automated Security Awareness Program | KnowBe4

KnowBe4 Inside Man Trailer: The Inside Man Season 1 Trailer


Price is depending on scope, company size and complexity.

Truesec service overview: