A Game Changer in Cybersecurity

MDR Black

MDR Black combines Managed Detection and Response (MDR) with premium incident response services, at no additional charge. As an organization, you receive a comprehensive solution for managing advanced cyber threats. 

Black Belt Experts in Cybersecurity

In the complex world of cybersecurity, unexpected incident response charges can disrupt your financial planning and strain budgets. We believe there’s a better way to protect your business without compromising your bottom line.

Our philosophy is straightforward: “We are on the same side.” We don’t gain from your breaches—we stand to lose alongside you. That’s why we’ve introduced MDR Black, our premium offering that delivers comprehensive detection and response without the extra costs typically associated with incident handling.

This service is tailored for organizations seeking a reliable partner to manage cyber risks while ensuring budgetary control.

MDR Black

Your Benefits

Increased Cost Control

Maintain budgetary control while ensuring robust protection.

24/7 Protection

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) combined with premium incident response.



Peace of Mind

With our 24/7 SOC, you can focus on your core business while Truesec manages cyber threats.


Protection by the Largest 24/7 SOC in the Nordics

Our team of highly skilled experts, are “black belts” in cybersecurity, makes sure nothing gets missed.

They carefully check every alert that comes in, using the latest technology to keep your organization safe.

This approach helps us catch threat activities before they can cause any serious business impact.

Black Belts in Incident Response

We manage incidents worldwide with a team of over 40 full-time incident response professionals and 60 specialized cyber experts.

In the last 12 months, we’ve dedicated 35,000 hours to breach response, ensuring your organization is protected against evolving threats.


Truesec Incident Response Toolkit

MDR Black offers access to the Truesec Incident Response Toolkit, a comprehensive solution for investigating and countering active cyber threats.

This toolkit incorporates insights gained from resolving thousands of security incidents, enabling our teams to conduct in-depth root cause analysis. It’s particularly effective in identifying complex threats and sophisticated attacker behaviours that demand advanced digital forensics.

Our toolkit undergoes continuous updates with intelligence gathered from the latest attack campaigns. This ensures rapid and precise responses to even the most advanced cyber threats.

We changed the SOC industry when we built Northern Europe’s first XDR-focused SOC. Now we are doing it again with MDR Black, the first SOC that takes responsibility for costs arising from both intrusion attempts and breaches in the environments we monitor.

Marcus Murray

Founder of Truesec

If the threat is serious, we step in

Markus Lassfolk

Senior Vice President of Incident Response

Truesec MDR

How we make a difference

520 K+
Monitored endpoints as of January 2024
35,000 h
Of incident response last year
Alerts navigated daily to find and mitigate ~50 serious breach attempts